What Birthmothers Look for in Adoptive Parent Profiles

What birthmothers look for in adoptive family profilesWhen prospective adoptive parents ask themselves what are birthmothers are looking for in an adoptive family profile, they should be aware there is no golden rules or unique formula. Birthmothers are no different than any other parent—all they want is a loving and caring family for their baby. That being said, however, there are always some things you should consider including in your profile to help give a birthmother the best first impression of your family.
Family Adventures & Hobbies
Photos and content that tell a story about your family’s adventures and hobbies are always recommended to include in your profile. Birthmothers want to see what sort of activities you like to engage in and how their baby will fit in. You can also talk about any new activities you plan to do with your child in the future.
Everyday Life
Birthmothers want to see how you would include your future child in your everyday life. If you write your profile focusing only on your life as it is now, it may seem empty and may leave a birthmother thinking like the person behind that profile isn’t thinking enough about a child and what it means to be a parent.
A Strong Relationship
If you’re a couple hoping to adopt, show that your relationship is solid. Talk about how you met, how long you’ve been together, what you like to do together, and how you both came to the decision to adopt. This is also part of the adoptive parent profile where you can show what a new baby would mean for your relationship.
Extended Family & Friends
Pictures of you with your relatives, close friends, and other children are always a plus because a birthmother wants to see the extended family her child is going to be a part of. When you include photos with your family and friends, you show how you’re connected with people around you. Be sure to mention any children you already have — perhaps she really wants her baby to have an older sibling.
Great Personality
Birthmothers want to see what kind of person are you, so try your best when writing an adoptive parent profile. It’s not always easy to present yourself in this way, but try to achieve a nice balance of pictures and words. Trying to describe yourself outright with specific adjectives can sometimes come across as dry or cliche; instead, aim to have your stories and photos give the right impression of you. Another option is to have your partner describe you and you describe your partner.
Parenting & Family Values
Birthmothers want to see your thoughts and opinions about raising a child. Talk about your parenting plans, family values you plan to instill in your child, and ways you plan to help your child to become the best possible person.
Your Home
A birthmother wants to see where her baby will be growing up, so be sure to talk about and include some pictures of your home and neighborhood.
Special Details
One little detail can make your profile stand out to the right birthmother, so include them where they matter most to you. For example, maybe she loves the idea of parents who can teach her child a new language or how to play an instrument. Maybe education is important to her and she wants her baby’s parents live in an exceptional school district. Talking about your activities and other special little details like these bring your adoptive family profile to the next level, and you’ll have a better chance of connecting with the right birthmother on a deeper level.

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Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.