11 Social Media and Web Forums for Birthmom’s Considering Adoption

canstockphoto6869870Social media is transforming all aspects of adoption. There are a lot of ways a birthmother can benefit from various forums, blogs, and pages about adoption. If you’re considering adoption as an option, you’re probably researching everything there is on this topic. Besides excellent books about adoption, you can find valuable information online. An adoption community is growing day by day, and stories shared by birthmothers who have been in the same position as you are now could become your inspiration, so take a look at the following social media pages and communities for adoption.
1. Birth Mother First Mother Forum is a place where birthmothers share news and opinions. They encourage their readers to share news and stories. And vent.
2. Three Strands exists to love and serve birthmoms, through a community of birthmothers, adoptive parents, and adoptees. Three Strands strives to raise the awareness about the adoption process and adoptive family dynamics.
3. On Your Feet Foundation unites and supports women who have placed a child for adoption. This website is created to serve, educate, and inspire birthmoms considering adoption.
4. JustMommies is the friendliest place for moms where you can find a supportive forum topics for birthmoms considering adoption. This is a community where women share their stories and thoughts about adoption which makes it a wonderful source of information for prospective birthmothers.
5. Reddit for birthparents is a great subject-read full of interesting and helpful personal stories.
6. Birthmom Support Group is a closed Facebook group for birthmoms. If you need any information about adoption or you just want to read other birthmother’s adoption journeys this is a great place to start.
7. BirthMom Buds is a web-based organization that provides support for birthmothers. Besides valuable information on this website, you can also visit a forum for birthmothers and become a part of this community.
8. Concerned United Birthmothers is a national organization focused on birthparents, their experiences, healing, and wisdom.
9. Birth Mothers Unite! This group is for the unsung heroes of adoption: The women who made a decision to carry a child to term, so they could live a full and happy life with another family.
10. Birthmother’s 4 Adoption is a blog created by birthmothers, where you can find adoption stories and resources.
11. A Birthmother Voice is Kelsey Stewart’s blog. She’s the author of a children’s book The Best For You where her main protagonist talks about her decision to place her baby up for an adoption. Kelsey blogs to “tell people my story, my thoughts, my trials, my heartaches, my prides, my joys.” If you want to read personal experiences, birthmom blogs are valuable sources of information. You can even contact some of the blog writers if you have any questions about the adoption process or just want to hear a neutral opinion.

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Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.