17 Inspirational Adoption Quotes | Quotes about Adoption

Adoption Quotes in 2022We all have that favorite quote. That’s because people have an appetite for well-expressed wisdom. So, it’s no wonder that many people find inspiration and motivation in words. Just one sentence can move a soul, one sentence can make you feel better and even motivate you in many aspects of your life. Adoption is a wonderful way of creating a family, and hopeful adoptive parents are usually reading tons of books and articles. Among those, there are always some great quotes that inspire and motivate. Here are a few that we love.

The Best Adoption Quotes

The Best Adoption Quotes of 2022

Every person involved in an adoption process knows what it represents, but with these quotes, you can always remind yourself how adoption is a beautiful way to create a family.

1. “I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two.” — Bob Constantine

2. “Adoption is the most intentional process on Earth.” — Jody Cantrell Dyer

3. “Adopted. Big deal; so was Superman.” — Chris Crutcher

4. “There are times when the adoption process is exhausting and painful and makes you want to scream. But, I am told, so does childbirth.” — Scott Simon

5. “Families don’t have to match. You don’t have to look like someone else to love them.” — Leigh Anne Tuohy

6. “Not flesh of my flesh,  nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn’t grow under my heart but in it.” — Fleur Conkling Heyliger

Quotes about Birthmothers and Adoptive Mothers

An adoption journey is sometimes hard, full of mixed emotions, and stressful for both birthmothers and adoptive mothers. Here are some adoption quotes to show how important they are.

7. “A birthmother puts the needs of her child above the wants of her heart.” — Skye Hardwick

8. “We should not be asking who this child belongs to, but who belongs to this child.” — Jim Gritter

9. “Children and mothers never truly part, bound together by the beating of one another’s heart.” — Charlotte Gray

10. “Adoptive Mom? I am a Mom. I need no other label or prefix.” — Joanne Greco

11. “However motherhood comes to you, it’s a miracle.” — Valerie Harper

12. “Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.” — Oprah Winfrey

13. “Somehow destiny comes into play. These children end up with you and you end up with them. It’s something quite magical.” — Nicole Kidman

Quotes about the Adoption Wait

Adoptive parents who are waiting to be matched with a birthmother or waiting for their child to be born may feel like this time is stressful and hard. Remember, it’s important to stay positive!

14. “Adoption is a journey of faith, from beginning to end.” — Johnny Carr

15. “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney

16. “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” — Joseph Campbell

17. “You are not just waiting in vain. There is a purpose behind every delay.” — Mandy Hale

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Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.