Home Study Process Myths and Truths

adoptive parents preparing for the adoption home studyIn the context of adoptions, the home study process is a series of information-gathering interviews that your social worker will ask about you and the family you would like to create through the adoption process. Over the course of three to six months, your social worker will conduct a comprehensive interview with you as well as from other relevant parties involved.

This home study process sheds light on your family background, details about your daily life, and your reason for wanting to adopt. Let’s take a look at some of the common myths surrounding the home study process and look at why this process is important to your upcoming adoption.

Unnecessary Fears of the Home Study Process

Many prospective parents think they have to be completely ready for their adoption before the home study process begins but that is not true. The purpose of the home study is to gather information about you as a whole, not just as a parent waiting to put a child in a fully-furnished room. It is just as necessary to discuss your family background, your employment and education, and any parenting experience. While it is important to show your social worker where your adopted child will live, they are also interested in the broad picture of your future family and what that whole will look like.

Another common myth of the home study process is that a home needs to be spotless with minimal signs of day-to-day life. This would raise more flags than presenting a more “lived in” home. No one will come into your home and look in closets and drawers. That level of invasiveness is not permitted nor necessary for the home study process. Your home should be a safe environment for a child, but it doesn’t have to be museum-quality.

Important Questions of the Home Study Process

A social worker does the need to know if you have basic safety features inside your home. Door and window locks, fire alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and smoke detectors are standard features every home needs to protect your family. You will also be asked if you keep any firearms in the house. These should be kept in a locked safe with a separate ammunition case.

Many prospective parents also worry about their personal history. If you do have a criminal history, it is always best to be honest about your past. Questions will be asked, but approach the situation by opening up a conversation first. Be as forthcoming with details as possible to paint the clearest picture you can about the incident or situation. Building trust with your social worker is one of the major keys to a successful adoption.

Final Remarks on the Home Study Process

Your age, race, and marital status do not necessarily affect the home study process. Many single parents are now able to adopt. LGBT couples are starting their families with adopted children. Parents who are not homeowners can have successful adoptions. The home study process is a very important time in your adoption process, so be open, honest, and natural so your social worker will see the value you can give to a child.

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Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.