Feeding Tips for Newly Adopted Infants

which adoption type is best for youFeeding is a typical major concern of new parents with an adopted baby. It can be overwhelming to figure out which formula is best for your new baby and which type of bottle they would prefer. It is always important to emphasize that amid all the stress, do not forget your own physical and mental health. If you are eating right and focused on building a healthy relationship, feeding your newly adopted baby will become more routine and easier over time. In this article, we will highlight some basic tips about feeding your newborn adopted baby: 

Bottle feeding

This is the most common method of feeding for adoptive parents. This is because bottle feeding is usually cheaper and more convenient for feeding schedules. It can also help form that familial and parental attachment with your baby as you bond over the eye contact and comforting touch of skin to skin contact with your baby. 

Regarding the many varieties of baby formula, select one that is affordable and best works for your baby. Keep in mind specific allergies and specialty formulas should your baby require them. However, should your baby not have these then it does not matter whether the formula is liquid or powder. A dairy based formula is recommended to start off with. 

The multitude of bottle designs does not have to be so scary. It does not matter if the bottle is glass or plastic as long as it can effectively deliver the formula to the baby. The bottle nipple size does matter and it is advised you begin with size one. However, as you learn about your baby’s feeding habits, you can adjust the size which influences the intake amount. You can also adjust your feeding technique and amount  by positioning your baby differently in your arms as you feed. 

Breast feeding

This can be done with donor breast milk or inducing lactation. However, keep in mind that this is less convenient than bottle feeding and can also be more costly than formula, depending on where you are able to get breastmilk from. There are no significant differences between the benefits of breastmilk over formula. 

Feeding Schedules

There is a rule of two and four that physicians recommend for your baby’s feeding schedule. The rule of two and four advises that for the first two to four months of a baby’s life, they take in on average about two to four ounces of formula every two to four hours around the clock. This is a helpful guide as you begin to learn your baby’s feeding preferences after which you can adjust accordingly. 

Biological cues that your baby is receiving enough food are if they are satisfied and sleeping after feeding and peeing and pooping regularly. Also, note if your baby is gaining weight and growing. If not, then talk to your pediatrician and maybe increase the amount of feeding, try different formulas, or adjust the flow rates. 

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Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.