Putting a Baby up for Adoption

Category Archives: Putting a Baby up for Adoption

Pregnant and considering adoption? Angel Adoption can help. Learn more about putting a baby up for adoption and get the adoption support you need.



#ShoutYourAdoptionMost adoptive parents remember when they first started looking into adopting a child. There is so much information to sort through. The truth is that the process is hard, sometimes long, and it’s certainly full of mixed emotions. Seeing other adoptive parents bringing their baby home touches the hearts of those families who are still waiting to adopt. Maybe, your story could be the one that inspires someone else to take the next step in their #adoptionjourney. Your voice could help motivate other adoptive families and birthmothers to make a very brave adoption decision.  The adoption community is a large one and also a proud one. Here are some ways to find encouragement from other like-minded pro-adoption families.  Continue reading

Birthmother pregnant considering adoption.

For Birthmothers: Creating Your Adoption Hospital Plan

A hospital stay can be a difficult time for a birthmother because she is welcoming a baby into the world and also departing with a child at the same time. This makes an adoption plan very important. This plan is usually a list of documents containing the birthmother’s preferences for the hospital stay and birthing process. It’s beneficial Birthmother pregnant considering adoption.to create such a plan to avoid any unwanted scenarios at the hospital. It’s not easy to create an adoption hospital plan, so we’ve compiled some tips for all birthmothers.

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labor tips for birthmothers

Labor Tips for Birthmothers

labor tips for birthmothersUsually, labor doesn’t begin with a gush of water like it’s presented in the movies. For most women, labor sneaks up on them, so it’s no wonder women are worried about the labor and delivery of their baby. It doesn’t matter how many books you read or classes you take, you’ll never be completely prepared for labor, but it’s important to do the research and learn as much as you can. That’s why we’ve prepared some labor tips for you. Continue reading

6 Things Adoptive Parents Want Birthmothers to Know

adoptive parents with babyAdoption is an emotional rollercoaster for everyone involved in the process. Sometimes, relationships gained through the process become wonderful friendships. But, not all experiences are the same. Even though open adoption means there’s a certain openness, there are often some things that are left unsaid. Birthmothers and adoptive parents have many feelings, fears, and desires they are maybe too afraid, shy, or embarrassed to share. Here are some things adoptive parents want birthmothers to know! Continue reading

a birthmother suffering from post-partum depression

Post-Partum Depression in Birthmothers – How to Cope

a birthmother suffering from post-partum depressionAfter birthmothers place their child for an adoption, many go through a period of loss, which includes various stages of grief, including anger, sorrow, denial, shock, or depression. It’s not easy to reconcile the emotional adoption process, so it’s completely normal that some birthmothers suffer from post-partum depression after the placement. There are ways on how to cope with this emotional time. Continue reading

birthmother moving forward after adoption

Moving Forward After Adoption: Advice for Birthmothers

birthmother moving forward after adoptionIt’s difficult to generalize the impact of an adoption on a birthmother. Every one of these women faced a unique experience and coped in her own way. All in all, there are usually the emotions of guilt, grief, anger, and loss that a birthmother may face after the adoption is finalized; however, you can move forward in a healthy way after the adoption, so take a look at some tips we’ve prepared for you. Continue reading

What birthmothers look for in adoptive family profiles

What Birthmothers Look for in Adoptive Parent Profiles

What birthmothers look for in adoptive family profilesWhen prospective adoptive parents ask themselves what are birthmothers are looking for in an adoptive family profile, they should be aware there is no golden rules or unique formula. Birthmothers are no different than any other parent—all they want is a loving and caring family for their baby. That being said, however, there are always some things you should consider including in your profile to help give a birthmother the best first impression of your family. Continue reading

Copyright © 2025 angeladoptioninc.com

Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.