Adopting a Newborn Baby

Category Archives: Adopting a Newborn Baby

Adopt a newborn baby with Angel Adoption! Learn about adopting a newborn baby and start the adoption process today with Angel Adoption.

Making Peace with Infertility: Close the Chapter by Choosing Adoption

Infertile couple giving a bribeWhen starting a family is something you really want, being unable to conceive can be heartbreaking. In order to achieve their goals of getting pregnant, many couples go through a series of medical treatments. But what to do if none of it works? In this post, we will give you some tips on how to deal with infertility and when it might be right to start considering adoption. Continue reading

Adoption Update Baby Girl Lakynn

What to Expect When You First Meet a Birthmother

Adoption Update Baby Girl LakynnHave you thought about the moment you are connected with a birthmother? If you have thought about that meeting you might want to consider having a plan to decrease the nervousness that you can sometimes feel.  A lot depends on whether you’ll understand each other. So here’s what you should take into account to make sure it’s a positive experience for both of you! Continue reading

Adoption home study social worker holding a form

The Newborn Adoption Process: A Breakdown

Baby adoption process - the first step to adopting a babyThinking about adopting a newborn? If that’s the case, you might want to learn more about the adoption process. It might seem like a lot of information to go over in a short time, but it’s not it is more digestible when it’s broken down into concrete steps. In order to help you do it, we’ve made a brief guide that includes all the major decisions you’ll be asked to make, as well as everything that will be required of you during the steps to adoption! Continue reading

Adoptive Baby

Our Favorite New Baby Quotes

Adoptive BabyWelcoming a newborn baby into your home is the moment all adoptive parents dream of. Since it marks a great change in their lives, most of them want to celebrate it.  If you’re looking for inspiration, you might read encouraging new baby quotes. Regardless of whether they end up the theme of a party or their on a nursery wall, take some time to celebrate your process to parenthood. Continue reading

Eliana Violet 14 mos

Are adoption donations tax deductible?

Eliana Violet 14 mosThere are plenty of ways you can support adoption. You can fund grants that are given to adoptive families, give them loans for completing the process of adoption or participate in crowd funding. There is no wrong way to go about doing it. But is there a way that will cost you less money? In this post, we are going to provide you with the answer to the question of whether adoption donations are tax-deductible! Continue reading

Hollis Adoption

Where are Adoption Records Kept?

Hollis AdoptionAdoptive families have to go through a lot before they manage to finalize the adoption process. And although they have plenty of other important things on their mind, some of them still feel the need to find out more about their child’s background. Fortunately, some adoption records are open to the public, which means they can be obtained and reviewed by both the adoptive family and the adoptee. In this post we’re going to tell you where to find and how to obtain them. But before we turn to that, here’s what you need to know about the processing of such information! Continue reading

What is adoption allowance?

If you’re looking to adopt, chances are you’re aware how expensive raising a child can be. This is iStock_000006932812XSmallwhy many adoptive parents do the research before the process is even finalized. Some adoptive pasrents do their best to gather all relevant information on adoption allowances. Adoption allowance refers to financial aid you can obtain as an adoptive parent. What follows is a quick guide that should help you better understand the program, its requirements and the application process. Continue reading

Copyright © 2025

Angel Adoption, Inc. provides marketing and advertising services that assist biological parents considering adoption and prospective adoptive parents to connect with each other, and provides support and referral services throughout the process. Angel Adoption, Inc. is an independent contractor and provides services under the supervision of Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois, License #012998, One Oakbrook Terrace, #501, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181; 708-771-7180.